Israel have bombed the Gaza strip. In 2015 an explosion inside a house, killed four Palestinians
ISRAELI fighter jets are targeting Gaza with bombs in response to an earlier attack on the country.

Red sirens were heard in the Southern town of Negev as thousands rushed for cover from two rockets launched from the Gaza strip.

An empty Israeli home was directly hit by one of the rockets.

In a statement cited by local media, Head of the Sdot Negev Regional Council Tamir Idan said: “We expect and demand that the security forces will respond strongly and make it clear to the terrorist that the state of Israel is determined not to allow such firing of rockets to continue.”
He added: “We are not prepared that an emergency situation will become our daily routine.”

A third rocket is said to have been launched but failed to reach Israel, reports claim.

Several sites are said to have been hit by Israel’s response attack including a missile launcher site, which contained five rockets, in the northwest.
A number of attacks have been fired at Israel in recent weeks and the Israel Defence Force (IDF) have often responded in a retaliatory attack against targets in Gaza.

Confirming tonight’s military action, a statement from the Israeli military said: “In response to the rocket fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel earlier today, the Israeli Air Force targeted a Hamas military compound in the southern Gaza Strip.”

The incidents took place less than a fortnight after Donald Trump announced the US would be moving its Israel embassy to Jerusalem in a move to recognise the city as the country’s capital.

The decision angered many Palestinians who believe that they have a claim to parts of the historic city.
The move of the embassy has been met with international concern.

French President Emmanuel Macron spoke by telephone to Turkey’s leader Tayyip Erdogan shortly after the announcement and both agreed to try to persuade the United States to reconsider its decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Meanwhile, at the United Nations, France, Italy, Germany, Britain and Sweden called on the United States to “bring forward detailed proposals for an Israeli-Palestinian settlement”.

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