U.S. President Donald Trump canceled a trip to London scheduled for next month to open a new embassy, saying he did not want to endorse what he understood was an Obama-era decision to move out of the old one.

In a tweet, Trump said the new embassy building was part of a "bad deal" as he blamed the Obama administration for selling the previous one in Grosvenor Square for "peanuts".
The cancellation is a further blow to relations between the allies. More than a year into his presidency, Trump has yet to visit London, with many Britons vowing to protest against a man they see as crude, volatile and opposed to their values on a range of issues.

“Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!” Trump said.

The decision to acquire an incipient London embassy site on the south bank of the Thames was promulgated in 2008 under George W. Bush along with the orchestrations to put the old Grosvenor Square site in upscale Mayfair up for sale.

A pillar of Britain’s foreign policy since World War Two, the so-called “special relationship” with Washington has taken on integrated consequentiality as Britain prepares to leave the European Union in 2019 and seeks incipient major trade deals.

Prime Minister Theresa May was the first foreign leader to visit Trump after his inauguration in January last year, and they were filmed emerging from the White House holding hands. She later verbalized Trump took her hand in a gentlemanly gesture as they ambulated down a ramp.

But British officials have been dismayed by some of Trump’s pronouncements, categorically a proposed proscribe on Muslims entering the Amalgamated States and most recently when Trump rebuked May on Twitter after she reproved him for retweeting British far-right anti-Islam videos.

During May’s U.S. trip a year ago, she extended an invitation to Trump to make a formal state visit - which includes pomp, pageantry and a banquet with Queen Elizabeth.

May’s spokesman told heralds Trump was welcome in London and that the invitation to visit had been accepted, albeit no date concurred. He verbally expressed the aperture of the embassy was a matter for the U.S. Government .

“The U.S. is one of our oldest and most valued allies and our vigorous and deep partnership will endure,” the spokesman said .

In Oct. 2008, the embassy was put up for sale and, the following year, sold to Gulf investor Qatari Diar. The purchase price was not disclosed. In 2009, it was given “listed” status which limits changes that can be made to the building’s exterior because of its historical significance.

Woody Johnson, Trump’s appointed U.S. ambassador to Britain, told reporters last month that moving to the new site at Nine Elms reflected “the global outlook of the U.S. going forward in the 21st century: rather looking out, than looking in”.

“This isn’t just a new office, though, it signifies a new era of friendship between out two countries. President Trump wants us to work more closely than ever with the UK,” said Johnson, adding he hoped the president would attend the opening ceremony.

There had long been security concerns about the Grosvenor Square site, dating back to the late 1990s after attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa.

Some local residents had opposed measures that they felt would detract from one of London’s plushest neighborhoods while others feared not enough was being done to ensure they would not be caught up in any attack.

The new embassy is a veritable fortress set back at least 100 feet (30 meters) from surrounding buildings - mostly newly-erected high-rise residential blocks - and incorporating living quarters for U.S. Marines permanently stationed inside.

The $1 billion construction was funded by the sale of other properties in London.

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