Bangladesh Nationalist Party on Wednesday claimed that disciplinary rules for lower court judges recently published through gazette notification has caused death to the separation of judiciary from executive.
BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi at a news briefing at the party central office said the disciplinary rules for lower court judges is ‘contrary’ to the constitution, saying there is no freedom of judiciary in the rules.
The government on Monday published gazette notification of disciplinary rules for lower court judges.

He said trial court is constitutional institution, but the executive would absolutely control them (judiciary) to incorporate them as employee of the republic’s government.
As a result, the lower court judges would have to go through the ‘order’ of government, Rizvi said adding that the judges would have to listen and obey the all unjust desires of the executive for protecting their jobs. Justice would be disappeared, he commented.
Referring to the prime minister’s ICT affairs advisor Sazib Wajed Joy’s remarks that there is no doubt about win of Awami League in the next general election and there is no party in Bangladesh to defeat the AL, Rizvi termed it nothing but ‘fascist attitude’.  It is tantamount to assaulting multiparty democracy and the rights of people.
The BNP leader said he (Joy) had revealed such survey before January 2014 ‘voterless election’.

His (Joy) statement exposed symptoms of another election of blueprint, Rizvi said.

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